Let’s Tackle Single-use Plastics in the Fox Valley
The Fox Valley Sustainability Network brings together the best minds from the public and private sector to make lasting change in the Fox River Valley. Join us and other communities as we strive to make single-use plastics obsolete and create a cleaner and healthier Fox Valley.
On September 25, 2019 we held “Plastics Pollution: Tackling a Global Issue Locally” at the Centre of Elgin. Out of this forum the Fox Valley Sustainability Network Core Committee met and decided to move forward an initiative to help communities throughout the Fox Valley find a way to institute single-use plastics ordinances to help fight the widespread pollution single-use plastics have caused.
This page serves as a resource to communities and residents that are looking to implement policy and change in their local community by providing case studies and presentations that can be used to inform and effect change in their home.
If you or your community are interested in developing or sponsoring a single-use plastics or plastic bag tax/fee, we have assembled information and case studies from local communities that have successfully implemented plastic bag ordinances.
Case Studies
Oak Park
Ordinance - Single Use Bag Fee - 10 cents per bag added to every purchase.
Ordinance - Single-Use Bag Fee - 10 cents per bag added to every purchase at retail stores.
Please contact us if you are interested in speaking to someone about how the Fox Valley Sustainability Network can help your community.